<div1 type="part">
<pb n="23"/>
<head>GEORGE W. BAGBY.</head>
<p>Dr. George W. Bagby was born in Virginia in 1828, and for a <lb/>
number of years was the editor of the <i>Southern Literary Mes- <lb/>
senger</i>, published at Richmond, Va. He was a frequent con- <lb/>
tributor to current literature, and won well deserved literary lau- <lb/>
rels in humorous writings, over the pen-name of "Mozis <lb/>
Addums." He also achieved considerable success as a lec- <lb/>
turer. Some of his lyrics are exquisite. "The Empty Sleeve" <lb/>
is a gem of this kind, full of homely but genuine pathos.</p>
<div2 type="poem">
<head>THE EMPTY SLEEVE.</head>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>Tom, old fellow, I grieve to see</l>
<l rend="indent">That sleeve hanging loose at your side;</l>
<l>The arm you lost was worth to me</l>
<l rend="indent">Every Yankee that ever died.</l>
<l>But you don't mind it at all,</l>
<l rend="indent">You swear you've a beautiful stump,</l>
<l>And laugh at the damnable ball &mdash;</l>
<l rend="indent">Tom, I knew you were always a trump!</l>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>A good right arm, a nervy hand,</l>
<l rend="indent">A wrist as strong as a sapling oak,</l>
<l>Buried deep in the Malvern sand &mdash;</l>
<l rend="indent">To laugh at that is a sorry joke.</l>
<l>Never again your iron grip</l>
<l rend="indent">Shall I feel in my shrinking palm;</l>
<l>Tom, Tom, I see your trembling lip,</l>
<l rend="indent">How on earth can I be calm?</l>