Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 16F ASTR 1210-004 (CGAS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   16F ASTR 1210-004 (CGAS)

Syllabus information for ASTR1210 Section 4

You can find pdf files of powerpoint lectures under "resources" tap on the left panel. 


                                          Syllabus for Fall 2016

ASTR 1210: Introduction to the Sky and Solar System

                             Section 004 - Class number 14046     TuTh 12:30 - 1:45PM     Clark Hall 107

Instructor: Prof. Z. Li
Office: Room 268, Astronomy Building, 530 McCormick Road
Phone: 924-4886
Office Hours: 2:00AM - 3:15PM, TuTh or by appointment

Textbook: Bennett, Donahue, Schneider and Voit “The Cosmic Perspective” (8th edition), available at the University Bookstore. The text comes bundled with the MasteringAstronomy and Learning Catalytics. You may be able to rent or buy a used copy of the textbook at the bookstore at a reduced price (7th edition ok; MasteringAstronomy and Learning Catalytics not required for this class). You also need an iClicker, iClicker+ or iClicker2, which you can buy from the bookstore or online, or web-based REEF polling, which is the cheapest option and can be purchased online at

Mid-Term Quizzes and Final: There will be three mid-term quizzes, covering roughly materials in (1) Chapter 1 through 4, (2) Chapter 5 through 9, and (3) Chapter 10 through 11. They will be of the short answer, true-false, or multiple choice type. The final exam will be comprehensive, with some emphasis on subjects not covered in the quizzes (such as the extrasolar planets and life in the Universe). It will be approximately twice as long as a quiz and in the same general style.

Missed Quizzes: All mid-term quizzes must be taken at the scheduled time unless you submit a written excuse from your parent in case of family emergency or doctor in case of illness. For other cases, makeup quizzes will be given only at the discretion of the instructor. See me before the quiz if you have a conflict.

Grading: The lowest grade of the three quizzes will be dropped.

                                                           Percent of the Grade
    In-Class Quizzes                                     25% each
    Final Exam                                                 35%
    Constellation Lab                                       5%
    Telescope Observing (for extra credit)       3%
    Classroom Clicker Exercises                    10%

Constellation Lab: All students must take the constellation identification quiz. To receive full credit, you must complete the quiz on or before Thursday, November 17. After this deadline and before the end of the semester, you can receive no more than half credit. There will be no exceptions to this deadline. It is in your best interest to take the quiz as early as possible. The quiz lab is open Mondays through Thursdays (9-11pm) on clear nights. You must sign up in advance through the the class website on Collab (to be discussed in the first class). 

Telescope Observing: Telescope observing is optional for this class. You can receive extra credit for completing the telescope observing lab before or on the last day of the lab, Monday, December 5. The observing times are Monday and Thursday nights.  If you plan to do the observing lab, you will need to sign up in advance through the class website on Collab. 

Additional Observing Opportunities: There are public nights at the McCormick Observatory on the Grounds and the Fan Mountain Observing Station, 13 miles south of town. See the information sheet or contact Astronomy departmental office for schedule.


Classroom Clicker Exercises: During most classes, I will ask you to respond to a number of questions using the iClicker. I will use your responses to gauge the overall comprehension of the subject, and to clear up misunderstandings. You will receive 2 points for a correct answer and 1 point for an incorrect answer. Once you have earned 85 points, you will receive the full credit for the exercises and will not earn any additional credit. There will not be any makeup for missed questions. You may not use another student’s iClicker to answer questions for them. Answering questions for another student, whether they are present or absent, is a violation of the honor code.

Attendance Policy: While class attendance is not mandatory, it is in your best interest to attend regularly. You will be tested on material covered in the lectures, which may differ somewhat from the textbook in order and in emphasis. Past experience shows that there is a strong correlation between the final score and the number of lectures attended. You must attend all scheduled quizzes and the final.

Course Schedule: (attached below) While the schedule for lectures is tentative, the schedule for the in-class quizzes and the final exam is fixed.   

Honor Pledge: All the quizzes, classroom exercises, and the final must be done independently, except for the help from TAs in doing the constellation quiz and the telescope observing lab. All of the written work for credit should be pledged.


                                   TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE

 Week 1: Overview and Syllabus (Ch. 1)
 Week 2: Discovering the Universe (Ch. 2)
 Week 3: The Science of Astronomy (Ch. 3)
 Week 4: Making Sense of the Universe (Ch. 4)

        FIRST IN-CLASS QUIZ – Tuesday, September 20

Week 5: Light and Matter (Ch. 5)
Week 6: Telescope (Ch. 6)
Week 7: Solar System Overview (Ch. 7)
Week 8: Origin of Solar System (Ch. 8)
Week 9: Planetary Geology I (Ch. 9)

      SECOND IN-CLASS QUIZ – Thursday, October 20

Week 10: Planetary Geology II (Ch. 9)
Week 11: Planetary Atmospheres  (Ch. 10)
Week 12: Jovian Planets (Ch. 11)

       THIRD IN-CLASS QUIZ – Tuesday, November 15

Week 13: Moons and Rings of Jovian Planets (Ch. 11)
Week 14: Asteroids, Comets and Pluto (Ch. 12)
Week 15: Extrasolar Planets (Ch. 13), Life in the Universe (Ch. 24) and The Sun (Ch.14, if time)

       FINAL EXAM – December 15, Thursday (2:00 - 5:00PM)