Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 16Sp GNUR 8120-001 (NURS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   16S GNUR 8120

Course Description (for SIS)

Course Description: This course is designed to introduce a sample of naturalistic and interpretive approaches to the study of phenomena of interest to nursing science. The epistemological principles that underlie interpretive and naturalistic research will be covered as well as techniques for data collection, data analysis, and ensuring rigor in the process of qualitative research. The course is designed as an introduction to a variety of qualitative research methods. 

Course Description (for SIS)

Course Description: This course is designed to introduce a sample of naturalistic and interpretive approaches to the study of phenomena of interest to nursing science. The epistemological principles that underlie interpretive and naturalistic research will be covered as well as techniques for data collection, data analysis, and ensuring rigor in the process of qualitative research. The course is designed as an introduction to a variety of qualitative research methods.