Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 14Sp CE 4410-001 (ENGR)
  • 14Sp CE 6410-001 (ENGR)
In the UVaCollab course site:   CE4410andCE6410 14Spring

Course Description (for SIS)

The course focuses on the analytical components of travel demand forecasting, including data collection, information systems, economic activity, and network analysis—and then shows how to use these to meet a few urban and statewide planning needs.  In the first quarter of the course--“mode choice” we will develop, calibrate, and apply the multinomial logit model to a few planning questions; this same technique can be used for other areas outside of planning!  The second portion of the course covers trip generation, distribution, and assignment where we will examine travel activity patterns at the regional level.  The latter half of the course covers planning for specific market niches, which may be modes (e.g., bicycles, pedestrians, transit, and autos) or stakeholders (e.g., freight advocates, persons interested in certain technologies, and connectivity).  The course will also mention federal requirements that influence the transportation planning process and data sources such as the American Community Survey. 

More Items Available

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