Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 16F EDHS 7090-001 (EDUC)
In the UVaCollab course site:   Voice Disorders 7090 F16

Excel Grade Tracker Updated 082416

UPDATED 08/24/16. Use this tracker to input your raw scores (not percentages) on the cells. If you input them in order you will be able to see what your current grade in the course is. The Excel sheet "Protected" which means you can only enter info into the "Blue" cells. this way you will not accidentally delete the formulas in the rest of the worksheet. Be aware that if you enter a score near the end and have empty grades, the "Current Grade" will not be correct because the sheet will read the empty grades as 0. This is same worksheet I use, but it is purely for your own use and may not match my final version. It is just a template to track your grade the same way I do. Remember, the Engagement score at the end of the worksheet is given by me and you can track yourself and guess your grade near the end of the course using the rubric above.

If you need help on this feel free to email me or stop by my office. 
