Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 16Sp PHYS 1720-100 (CGAS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   PHYS 1720 (Spring 2016)

Syllabus - Introductory Physics II

Your instructor is Stefan Baessler, room 169 in the new wing of the physics building, 243-1024, Office hours are Tuesday and Thursday, 4-5 pm.

Your teaching assistant is Steven Boi,
His/her office hours are Wednesday 2-3 pm and Thursday, 2:30-3:20 pm.
During office hours, you can find him/her in the Physics Building in room 220, in person, or by phone (924-6592).

Your grader is Brigid McDonald. You can contact her at

Contents: This is the second semester of the introductory physics sequence for prospective physics and other science majors. The course goal is to attain an understanding of the foundations of gravitation; electricity & magnetism, and optics, and a working knowledge of the subjects in problem solving. The course consists of lectures, problem sessions, and weekly homework assignments. It is calculus-based and part of the physics major track.

Lectures will be illustrated by numerous, and hopefully spectacular, demonstrations. Emphasis will be placed on the development of problem-solving skills in physics.

Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1710 (Introductory Physics I) or PHYS 1425 (General Physics I), MATH1320 (Calculus II), or instructor permission.

Corequisite(s): MATH 2310 (Calculus III) or instructor permission.

Text: We will follow the textbook of Giancoli, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Vol. 2 with Mastering Physics. Vol. 2 contains chapter 21 to 35. The ISBN number of the textbook is 0-13-613924-8 (bundled with Mastering Physics access), or 0-13-227359-4 (just the textbook).

Sign-up instructions for Mastering Physics, the online quiz system, are attached. If you bought the textbook only, you will need to buy an access code for $65.95. The textbook bundle above includes the access code. For those of you who have a subscription from a previous lecture: It might still be valid, one usually gets one year.


Your course grade will be computed in the following way:

Homework 30%
Quizzes 10%
Midterm exam 30%
Final exam 30%

Grades given as a percentage translate into a letter grade according to the following list:

A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F
>96 >92 >88 >84 >80 >76 >72 >68 >64 >60 >55 >50 otherwise

Policies and useful tips:

  • Class Honor Policy Statement: I trust every student in this course to fully comply with all of the provisions of the UVa honor system. Alleged honor violations brought to my attention may be forwarded to the Honor Committee. If, in my judgment, it is beyond a reasonable doubt that a student has committed an honor violation with regard to an exam, that student will receive an immediate grade of "F" for that exam, irrespective of any subsequent action taken by the Honor Committee.
  • You should be signed up for one of the discussion sections:
    • W 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm in Dell 1, room 102
    • R 3:30 pm - 4:20 pm in Dell 1, room 102
  • The course's web site ("PHYS 1720 (Spring 2016)" with tabs syllabus, wiki, assignments, ...) should be on your UVa Collab account. If it doesn't appear there, let me know.
  • Read related sections of the textbook and any reading assignment before each lecture.
  • Do not hesitate to ask questions at any point. Make use of office hours.
  • Homework is due every Friday, at the beginning of the lecture. You are encouraged to work on homework problems in teams. Furthermore, you are encouraged to ask for help from the TA or the instructor. However, do not expect to be walked through the steps of the correct solution before submission. Also, merely copying a solution from somebody else is not permitted. I will not accept late homework, unless you ask for it in time, give a reason, and I have granted permission. The lowest homework score will be dropped for all students who fill in the course evaluation at the end of the semester.
  • Show all your work in homework and exam problem solutions.
  • Check that your computations include correct physical units, sensible orders of magnitude and the appropriate number of significant digits, usually no more than 3.
  • Attendance is not taken at lectures or problem sessions. However, students are responsible for all material taught and all announcements made therein.
  • Quizzes (MasteringPhysics) have to be solved alone. You can use textbooks or notes, but no other sources. The lowest three quiz scores will be dropped (see below for an addition due to clicker performance). This does not include the first quiz which is not graded.
  • Problem sessions are designed to help you practice the course material using exercises and short problems, so as to prepare you for homework and exams. Furthermore, they allow to make up homework problems.
  • The course grade will be no worse than C- if the final grade is no worse than C-.
  • Points for graded items can be found in collab’s gradebook, with the exception of Mastering Physics points which are noted in the gradebook in Mastering Physics. The calculation of averages, and of the final grade will follow the rules above, and is not performed correctly in collab.
  • Starting from March 25, we are using clickers in the lecture. Three lectures with at least one correct clicker answer in each are worth an extra dropped quiz beyond the previous rule that the four lowest quiz grades are dropped.

Approximate class schedule:


Number of lectures





electric charges and fields



electric potential






electric circuits






time-dependent fields





