Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 13F FREN 2020-002 (CGAS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   13F FREN 2020-002 (CGAS)



Université de Virginie – automne 2013

FREN 2020 – section 002 (MWF 11:00 am - 11:50 am)


Professeur : Barthélemy Glama


Bureau: Randall 128 / French House 102

Heures de permanence:

Tuesday, 13:30 pm – 15:30 pm (Randall)

Thursday, 13:30 pm – 15:30 pm (French House)







Required texts (textes obligatoires) :

·      Imaginez (2nd edition), Mistchke (Vista Higher Learning, 2012): Textbook and

Supersite + WebSAM + vText code (to access resources and homework assignments on

·      Please note that the required text and passcode may be purchased either in the Newcomb Hall Bookstore or online ( If you purchase a used textbook in the bookstore, you will need to purchase the Supersite + WebSAM + vText code directly from VHL.


Suggested supplemental texts:

·      A French dictionary, such as the Collins Robert Unabridged French Dictionary

·      A bilingual dictionary that provides contextualized examples within the entries. A good option is the Oxford-Hachette Compact French-English Dictionary.

·      A verb conjugation book, such as Bescherelle, La conjugaison pour tous




Répartition de la note                                           Echelle de notation

Participation en classe                       15%                            A+      99-100                        C         73-77

Devoirs                                  10%                            A         93-98              C-        70-72

Rédactions (Compositions)  15%                            A-       90-92              D+      68-69

Contrôles       (4 sur 5)         35%                            B+       88-89              D         63-67

Examen oral                           10%                            B         83-87              D-       60-62

Examen final                          15%                           B-        80-82              F         0-59

                                                                                 C+       78-79



·      Please note that you may not skip a course in the sequence. For example, you may not take 2020 having only taken 1050.

·      If this is your first French course at UVA, please check with your instructor to be sure you are in the right course level. Please bring a copy of your online placement test score to class in the first week. For more information, go to



Course and Department Attendance Policy: 

·      Attendance is obligatory!  

·      If, without official excuse, a student misses six (6) classes of a French course that meets three (3) times a week, the instructor is expected to report the student to the Chair and the Dean for withdrawal from the course.

·       Once a student misses the number of classes specified above, departmental policy requires that the French instructor remove the student's name from the class roster. The student must then either drop the course in the SIS (if before the "drop" deadline for that semester) or withdraw from the course in the SIS before the “withdrawal” deadline. After the "withdrawal" deadline, a student may not withdraw but must remain in the class and receive the grade s/he has earned--usually an "F" in the case of excessive absences.


Absences will be excused for:

·      Serious personal illness (reported before or during the class period)

·      Death in the family or an illness in the family which requires the student to return home

·      Observance of a religious holiday (if it is reported before the class period)

·      Participation in a University sponsored varsity sports event (Students must present this information in writing to the instructor at the beginning of the semester.)

·      Students whose extenuating circumstances require special attendance accommodations in all courses should ask their Association Dean to provide this information to all of their instructors.


Please Note:

·      Multiple absences, even if excused, inevitably have a negative impact on the student's grade, since so much practice takes place in class.

·      Students should treat any absences from classes as they would any missed appointment or absence from a job. Contact (or have a friend contact) the instructor before class - not after the absence has occurred. 

·      Tardiness will lower the participation grade.  Arriving more than 5 minutes late = ½ an absence.


Participation:  Active participation in a language class is extremely important. Being prepared and on time for class, asking and answering questions, engaging your fellow students during classroom activities are all part of active in-class participation. For more about attendance and participation, see—


Tests (contrôles) and final exam:

  • There will be no make-ups given for contrôles (tests); the lowest grade is dropped in this category.
  • Make-ups for the final exam will be given only in rare cases, in accordance with College policy.  Please check your final exam schedule to see if you will have a conflict, and let me know as soon as possible so that a suitable solution can be arranged. To reschedule a final exam (for reasons allowed by the College), you must fill out and submit a “Request for Exam Postponement” form (with your instructor’s signature) to the Office of the Dean in Monroe Hall. The College requires that any approved make-ups be given after the scheduled exam date.


Homework (devoirs): 

·      For every lesson in Imaginez, you will complete written and oral work in the online workbook and activity site that accompanies your textbook. These activities are found at You will have multiple attempts at some exercises, and, in those cases, your grade will be based on your highest score. All exercises must be completed by the due date in order to receive credit.  Students may access and complete the online assignments from any computer, but are also urged to take advantage of the resources available in the ASCIT Language Lab, Cabell 221 (


Compositions: You will write three compositions (rédactions) during the semester.  The topics will be distributed a week in advance in class, and you will write a rough draft (ébauche) and a final version for each of the first two compositions.  The composition grade is based on both versions. You will submit only your final version of the third composition, which will be a culmination of your work in this course.  All compositions are due upon arrival in class on the due date.  You must turn in a hard copy (on paper) of the assignment. 


Due Dates:  All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date for which they are assigned or at the time specified by the instructor.  Late assignments will not be accepted for credit.


Tutoring:  The French Department offers a limited number of free tutoring hours each week.  There will be a sign up sheet inside of the French office in Levering Hall.  I encourage you to speak with me before seeing a tutor so we can determine together how you might make the most of your tutoring session.


Honor Code (Guidelines for assignments under the Honor Code at UVA):

  • Texts and reference materials should be used to prepare homework and compositions.
  • You may not receive help on assignments from anyone other than your instructor or the French Department’s tutoring service.  This includes compositions.  Having anyone (friend, family member, fellow student) help write or correct a composition is an honor violation. Part of what you are learning through the draft-writing system is how to see and correct your own errors.  When you receive approved help on work from a department tutor, you must acknowledge that assistance in your work.  If you are unsure of how to do this, please see me for help.
  • If you have any questions about the appropriate use of online references or other sources of information, please check with your instructor.
  • Information on the Honor Code may be found at and


Class Etiquette:

·      Please arrive in class on time. Late arrivals will affect your participation grade. Please inform your teacher if there is a specific reason for your tardiness.

·      Please do not bring food to eat or gum to chew in class, because you will be speaking quite a bit.

·      Please be respectful of both your fellow classmates and your instructor. This includes listening to anyone who is speaking and contributing to a supportive learning environment in the class.


Additional questions/resources:

The Language Program Director (FREN 1010-2320) is Karen James. You can reach her at  You’ll find more information about the elementary and intermediate French courses on our website at —

Additional information on upper-level courses and study abroad options is also available on the department website —



Course Calendar (page suivante):



FREN 2020 – AUTOMNE 2013 – Programme (lundi/mercredi/vendredi)



Semaine 1


mercredi         28/8      Introduction au cours

vendredi         30/8      leçon 6


Semaine 2

lundi               2/9        leçon 6

mercredi         4/9        leçon 6

vendredi         6/9        leçon 6


Semaine 3

lundi               9/9        leçon 6

mercredi         11/9      leçon 6

vendredi         13/9      Contrôle 1


Semaine 4

lundi               16/9      leçon 7

mercredi         18/9      leçon 7

vendredi         20/9      leçon 7


Semaine 5

lundi               23/9      leçon 7; Ebauche 1

mercredi         25/9      leçon 7

vendredi         27/9      leçon 7


Semaine 6

lundi               30/9      leçon 7

mercredi         2/10      Contrôle 2

vendredi         4/10      leçon 8


Semaine 7

lundi               7/10      leçon 8; Rédaction 1

mercredi         9/10      leçon 8

vendredi         11/10    leçon 8


Semaine 8

lundi               14/10    Congé

mercredi         16/10    leçon 8

vendredi         18/10    Contrôle 3


Semaine 9

lundi               21/10    leçon 9

mercredi         23/10    leçon 9

vendredi         25/10    leçon 9


Semaine 10

lundi             28/10      leçon 9

mercredi       30/10      leçon 9; Ebauche 2

vendredi       1/11        leçon 9


Semaine 11

lundi             4/11        Contrôle 4

mercredi       6/11        leçon 10

vendredi       8/11        leçon 10


Semaine 12

lundi             11/11      Examens oraux;

                                    Rédaction 2

mercredi       13/11      Examens oraux

vendredi       15/11      Examens oraux


Semaine 13

lundi             18/11      leçon 10

mercredi       20/11      leçon 10

vendredi       22/11      leçon 10


Semaine 14

lundi             25/11      leçon 10; Rédaction 3

mercredi       27/11      Congé

vendredi       29/11      Congé


Semaine 15

lundi             2/12        leçon 10

mercredi       4/12        Contrôle 5

vendredi       6/12        Révision




Examen final    16/12 (lundi), 19h à 22h




Autres dates importantes:

mardi               10 sept.          Add deadline

mercredi          11 sept.          Drop deadline

mardi               22 oct.                        W deadline




