Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 16F CPLT 3559-001 (CGAS)
  • 16F GETR 3559-003 (CGAS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   NietzscheFreudKafka

Full Syllabus

October 6: short Kafka pieces:  Chinese wall, city coat of arms, care of the family father

11:  Kafka:  Before the Law and other short items

13, 18, 20:  Nietzsche:  Genealogy of Morals (mid-term paper due on 13 Oct.)

25, 27:  Freud:  Future of an Illusion

November 1, 3, 8:  Kafka:  The Trial

10, 15, 17:  Freud:  Moses and Monotheism (topics for final paper due, 15 Nov.)

22, 29, December 1:  Nietzsche:  Anti-Christ