Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 14Sp ECON 4559-002 (CGAS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   14Sp Ecological Economics

Ecological Economics

Ecological Economics augments neoclassical natural resource and environmental economics by stressing the interdependence and coevolution of natural systems with human institutions, including markets and other means of allocating economic resources. In this course, students examine these fundamental relationships, rooted in ecology and human behavior, and the consequences of those relationships as realized in current agricultural, natural resource and environmental issues. The course emphasizes systems thinking and, while taught primarily from the perspective of economics, will engage prior knowledge of students of philosophy, natural sciences, and other disciplines.

The principal text  is Ecological Economics: Principles and Applications (2nd Edition*) by Herman Daly and Joshua Farley (Island Press). This will be augmented with shorter readings from the popular press and academic literature. TED talks and other multimedia resources will also be assigned for viewing.  

*Note that the second editions is very similar to the first, and students who purchase and use the first edition will not be at a great disadvantage.