Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 15Sp RELG 3380-001 (CGAS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   2015 feasting, fasting

Course Description (for SIS)

Spring 2015 RELG 3380 Feasting, Fasting, Faith: Food in Judaism and Christianity

Vanessa L. Ochs  Office: Nau 185


Through reading texts, observing food practices, watching films, cooking and eating, we will learn how preparing food, consuming it, abstaining from it  and thinking about it, have been framed as sacred, ethical and sources of identity in Jewish and Christian practices. A field project will require visiting and reflecting upon visits to both Christian and Jewish settings where food is prepared or consumed. After we cover background material together, there will be an opportunity in the final project for students to focus on their particular interests in food and faith traditions.

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