Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 15F RELB 2100-100 (CGAS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   15F RELB 2100-100 (CGAS)

Course Description (for SIS)

Explore the many worlds of Buddhism—the doctrines, the forms of life, and the ideals of felicity—that have exerted such a profound influence on the lives of so many for so long, across such vast distances. Encounter the history of Buddhism with particular emphasis on what Buddhists of the past have themselves said, thought and debated concerning the ideals of their traditions. Study the life of Siddhartha Gautama; read the classic expressions of Buddhist self-cultivation in the Dhammapada; overhear a monk speak to his own mind and challenge his and our pre-theoretical moral intuitions in the Bodhicaryāvatāra; and keep up with the critical, acerbic humorous and often challenging persona of Saraha in the improvisational (and inspirational) verses ascribed to him, challenging Buddhists (monks, professors and laypersons) not to assume they know what Buddhism is. Explore different vehicles of thought and practice—dialogues, arguments, verses, mantras, icons, practices of mental cultivation and more—and follow as Buddhists not only debated the letter and meaning of what the Buddha taught in India over the centuries, but travel with Buddhists to China, Tibet, Japan and beyond, (back) to modern India and the re-introduction of a freshly imagined, politically charged and socially conscious Buddhism. Follow the story even to the first Buddhist monastery founded in the United States. 

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