Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 14F PC 5120-701 (SCPS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   PC 5120 Fall 2014

Course Overview


Class Overview General Class Information


Instructor: Michael E Giboney


Subject Area &

Catalog Number

PC 5120

Class Title


Electronic Commerce in Federal Acquisition

Credit Type


X  Graduate

X Credit


Delivery Method

P (In-Person)

CI (Classroom/Internet)

X WB (Web-Based)


Re-certification Points


Approval Date

(For internal use only)



Class Description

This course exposes you, as a professional acquisition team member (both industry and government), to new technologies and emerging business processes. The term of acquisition has moved beyond procurement and contracting. Its no longer just about the contract office as its broader definition now focuses on other major and integral roles especially those dealing with the program office such as requirements definition, budgets/funding, contract office performance, and vendor performance. You can even layer several other major roles: IT Office, Finance Office, and the Vendor.

The work conducted in this course will include the practical experience and application of electronic commerce within the federal acquisition system.  This course will begin the process of placing your professional procurement and contract knowledge's, skills and abilities into the emerging field of global electronic commerce.  This course is expected to increase your self-reliance, confidence, and foresight into the meld of federal acquisition and electronic commerce.

Required Text 

 No text is required.  All course material will be available in the Course Documents content area and/or via hyperlinks to external Web sites.

Learning Outcomes 

As an acquisition professional, technologies and electronic business processes such as digital signatures will become more important in your work and experience in the federal acquisition system as it relies more on online procurement and contracting. By helping you understand and utilize these technologies, you will be better serving your employer, and your profession. Change is upon us. We now have the task of adapting to these changes and finding ways to improve our professionalism to better serve our employers and stay relevant to our profession. This course builds a foundation for the challenges facing the acquisition professional in adapting to electronic commerce in the federal acquisition system. This course may not have all of the right answers but upon completion it, you will be able to start asking the right questions.

The course will focus on the following

  • Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR);
  • Applicability of authorizing statutes and regulations;
  • Business, functional, and  technical definitions;
  • Productivity and process re-engineering;
  • The business process driven aspects of converting from a paper-driven system;
  • Surveys currently available electronic acquisition systems;
  • Cyber Law And Cyber Security

Assessment Components 

The students will perform individual assignments based upon the course text and may function as a team expressing collective efforts on the exercises and case studies. Each individual student is required to participate by contributing to the class/team Discussion recorded results.  Through the use of exercises, case studies, simulations and team building the course will provide the setting to improve the students’ ability to understand and implement relevant facts and procedures, and analyze alternate solutions. Types of assessments will include discussion threads, individual assignments, text reading, supplemental readings, lecture notes, online required and optional research links, non-mandatory live chats and a short essay type final examination.

Delivery Mode Expectations 

Four to five scheduled synchronous online chat room discussions using assigned topics and questions. Students may submit suggested topics of particular interest.

Technical Resources

Embedded web links in online lectures and optional web links listed. 




World Readable Overview


Class Overview General Class Information


Instructor: Michael E Giboney


Subject Area &

Catalog Number

PC 5120

Class Title


Electronic Commerce in Federal Acquisition

Credit Type


X  Graduate

X Credit


Delivery Method

P (In-Person)

CI (Classroom/Internet)

X WB (Web-Based)


Re-certification Points


Approval Date

(For internal use only)



Class Description

This course exposes you, as a professional acquisition team member (both industry and government), to new technologies and emerging business processes. The term of acquisition has moved beyond procurement and contracting. Its no longer just about the contract office as its broader definition now focuses on other major and integral roles especially those dealing with the program office such as requirements definition, budgets/funding, contract office performance, and vendor performance. You can even layer several other major roles: IT Office, Finance Office, and the Vendor.

The work conducted in this course will include the practical experience and application of electronic commerce within the federal acquisition system.  This course will begin the process of placing your professional procurement and contract knowledge's, skills and abilities into the emerging field of global electronic commerce.  This course is expected to increase your self-reliance, confidence, and foresight into the meld of federal acquisition and electronic commerce.

Required Text 

 No text is required.  All course material will be available in the Course Documents content area and/or via hyperlinks to external Web sites.

Learning Outcomes 

As an acquisition professional, technologies and electronic business processes such as digital signatures will become more important in your work and experience in the federal acquisition system as it relies more on online procurement and contracting. By helping you understand and utilize these technologies, you will be better serving your employer, and your profession. Change is upon us. We now have the task of adapting to these changes and finding ways to improve our professionalism to better serve our employers and stay relevant to our profession. This course builds a foundation for the challenges facing the acquisition professional in adapting to electronic commerce in the federal acquisition system. This course may not have all of the right answers but upon completion it, you will be able to start asking the right questions.

The course will focus on the following

  • Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR);
  • Applicability of authorizing statutes and regulations;
  • Business, functional, and  technical definitions;
  • Productivity and process re-engineering;
  • The business process driven aspects of converting from a paper-driven system;
  • Surveys currently available electronic acquisition systems;
  • Cyber Law And Cyber Security

Assessment Components 

The students will perform individual assignments based upon the course text and may function as a team expressing collective efforts on the exercises and case studies. Each individual student is required to participate by contributing to the class/team Discussion recorded results.  Through the use of exercises, case studies, simulations and team building the course will provide the setting to improve the students’ ability to understand and implement relevant facts and procedures, and analyze alternate solutions. Types of assessments will include discussion threads, individual assignments, text reading, supplemental readings, lecture notes, online required and optional research links, non-mandatory live chats and a short essay type final examination.

Delivery Mode Expectations 

Four to five scheduled synchronous online chat room discussions using assigned topics and questions. Students may submit suggested topics of particular interest.

Technical Resources

Embedded web links in online lectures and optional web links listed.