Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 14F STAT 2559-001 (CGAS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   14F STAT 2559-001 (CGAS)

Course Description (for SIS)

This course is an introduction to writing programs relevant to scientific, engineering, and data applications, including gaining the ability to convert an algorithm into code.  There will be no formal statistics theory, just its application through the student's code or through the use of packages available.  The language will be Python.  We will use Python 2.7 with some allusions to Python 3.+.  No previous experience in programming is required.

More Items Available

There are additional UVa-only syllabus items for this course. Click here to view all the public and UVa-only syllabus items. This link is restricted to UVa-members with Netbadge authentication.