Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 13F ENWR 1510-029 (CGAS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   ENWR 1510-29

The Politics of Food

In ENWR 1510-029, we’ll be exploring complicated—occasionally delicious, but often disgusting or disturbing—topics related to food and food systems.  We’ll be reading a variety of short texts (and watching some videos) that explore this central theme.  This course is, however, in no way designed to be a comprehensive study of food systems (or nutrition, or GMOs, vegetarianism, the Chiquita banana, eating disorders, McDonald’s, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, food deserts, desserts, chicken, steak, chocolate cake, or the Farm Bill).  The primary goal of this course is not to teach you facts, but, rather, to teach you how to use facts; i.e., you’ll be learning how to craft an effective academic argument.