Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 13F ARH 4591-001 (ARCH)
  • 13F ARTH 4591-008 (CGAS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   Pilgrimage!

Course Description (for SIS)


Pilgrimage is generally described as a journey of religious significance often to a shrine of great importance to the pilgrim’s religion.  This seminar will consider the art and architecture associated with such journeys. Many of the readings will concentrate on pilgrimages of the Western European Middle Ages such as Santiago de Compostela.  We will, however, also consider pilgrimages within the Islamic and Buddhist traditions as well as those to classical sites such as Delphi. Pilgrimages to shrines associated with personality cults such as Elvis will also be discussed.  Students will be encouraged to choose topics from any type of pilgrimage for their research projects. Readings will focus on primary sources such as the The Pilgrims’ Guide to Santiago and the Travel Diary of Ibn Jubayr. The course will also emphasize the development of oral presentation, research and writing skills, as each member of the seminar will work on a major research project throughout the semester.