Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 14Sp PPOL 4500-100 (LEAD)
  • 14Sp PPOL 6500-100 (LEAD)
In the UVaCollab course site:   14Sp Natural Resource Policy

Course Description (for SIS)

In this course, students will survey the main currents of U.S. natural resource policy* (air and water quality, endangered species protection, public land management, private land conservation), consider their origins in broader streams of conservation thought (utilitarian, romantic, progressive), and learn to evaluate and assess these policies using examples from current natural resource and environmental challenges (energy independence, biodiversity loss, recreational access, climate change). Students will also gain familiarity with the actors and processes by which environmental policy decisions are made (Congress, agencies, interest groups, appropriations, oversight, rulemaking and environmental and related assessments).A Washington DC field tour provides a chance to hear from environmental policy-makers, analysts and advocates.

Instruction for the course will be primarily through discussion of reading assignments, but lecture will be used to present and/or review material of a more technical or specific nature. 

* Agricultural and food policy are covered in a separate offering so will not be covered in any depth in this course.