Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 13F BIMS 8131-001 (CGAS)
  • 13F PATH 8130-001 (CGAS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   Fall'13 BIMS8131 PATH8130

Course Description (for SIS)

The course will address the biologic/molecular mechanisms related to selected disease processes.  The format consists of weekly meetings of 2 hours in duration and each topic will be covered in 2 sequential sessions with a combination of informal didactic presentations by the faculty and journal article discussions (3 pre-assigned papers maximum) by the students.  Didactic-style presentation(s) are aimed at providing sufficient background on the relevant pathobiology, histopathology, and/or clinical manifestations for the students to read and discuss the literature assignments.  A strong focus of the course will be the discussion of the basic pathobiologic processes and the contemporary biomedical translation of experimental science to the understanding and treatment of human diseases.  When possible, visits to clinical or research laboratories will allow observation of diagnostic procedures or translational research techniques.  All students are required to write an NIH-style mini-grant proposal based on one of the session topics.  In the final session, students will participate in a mock study section to review and score the applications.

More Items Available

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