Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 16Sp APMA 1501-001 (ENGR)
In the UVaCollab course site:   16Sp APMA 1501



Course Description

Engineers need a broad perspective in order to approach problems from different viewpoints. However, by specializing in a specific field, engineers might miss out on some of the techniques used by other disciplines, which could in turn have expanded their skillsets.

This course seeks to introduce several of these methods. Topics range broadly, from physics to computer science to finance, but there is a sequential connection between topics. For a complete list of topics, see the course schedule in the syllabus.

These topics will be developed through a case study, where each week problems in a different field are solved by establishing the appropriate mathematical framework. There is a heavy emphasis on problem solving.

Students will also visualize their answers in Mathematica and learn how to use the professional typesetting system LaTeX, an academic and industry standard.

This course is a part of the Engineering Student Council's Student-Taught Classes Program.