Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 16F GERM 1015-001 (CGAS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   16F GERM 1015-001 (CGAS)


Syllabus                                                          Cora Schenberg, Ph.D.

German 1016                                                 NCH 235                             

German for Reading Knowledge                   Fall 2015                                                                                         Office Hours: Monday, 12-1:00; 2-3:00

                                                                        and by appointment.




 All assignments are from the Korb/Jannach text (7th edition), unless otherwise indicated. Each chapter contains a set of numbered exercises, plus a reading selection for translation; these will generally serve as homework assignments. Those who are taking the course for credit or a grade will need to hand in their translations. I will also send you a packet of supplementary exercises. These are to be done in class; I’m only typing them to save the time that I’d spend scribbling on the board. Please bring these supplementary exercises with you to class.

 Please note: the textbook provides an online answer key to the practice sentences (Űbungssätze), which you are expected to download from the following site: To get full credit for your homework, you will be expected to self-correct these exercises and hand them in with the corrections in a different color ink. There is no answer key to the reading passages; we will go over translations of these passages in class; please self-correct these as we go, and mark corrections on your homework before handing in.

 The online site also provides charts for the grammar covered in each given chapter, as well as guides to the reading selections. I highly recommend these.

 Vocabulary quizzes will be on active vocabulary (Grundwortschatz) of the given chapters.

 Aug. 24: Introduction I. Pronunciation, cognate recognition, genders of nouns.

Aug. 26: Introduction II.

Aug. 29: Chapter 1. Odd-numbered exercises, pp. 9-11 and reading selection, p. 11.

Aug. 31: Chapter 1. Even-numbered exercises and reading selection, p. 12.

Sept. 2: Chapter 2. Odd-numbered exercises and p. 22 of reading.

Sept. 5: Chapter 2. Complete exercises and reading passage, pp. 23-24.

Sept. 7: Ch. 3. Odd-numbered exercises and reading passage, p. 34.


Sept. 9: Ch. 3. Evens and reading psassage, p. 35-36.

Sept. 12: Chapter 4, Odd-numbered exercises, text, p. 45.

           Quiz, Vocabulary, Ch. 1-3; cases.

Sept. 14: Chapter 4, evens and text, p. 46.

Sept. 16: Chapter 5, odds and text, p. 56.

September 19: Chapter 5, evens and text, p. 57-58.

Sept. 21: Chapter 6, odds, p. 69.

            Hand in Take-home Test 1. (Typed, double-spaced, please). For Test 1, please translate pp. 60-61, “Die Geschichte,” to line 22. You may use a dictionary, but not your textbook or notes. Time: 60 minutes.

Sept. 23: Ch. 6. Evens and text, p. 71.

Sept. 26: Chapter 7, odds and text, p. 80.     

Sept. 28: Ch. 7, complete sentences; text, pp. 81-82.

Vocab quiz, Ch.’s 4-6, plus select prepositions.        

Sept. 30: Chapter 8, odd-numbered exercises and text, p. 93.

Oct. 3: Fall Break.

Oct. 5: Chapter 8, complete exercises and text, p. 94.

Oct. 7: Ch. 9, odds and text, pp. 104-105 (“Dioramenmaler”).

Oct. 10: Chapter 10, Odds and text, pp. 112-113.

            Vocab quiz, Ch. 7-9 and participles.

Oct. 12: Chapter 10, complete exercises.

Write Test 2, Text on p. 114 (“Die Bewohner Österreichs”), lines 1-20. Please type, double-spaced. You may use a dictionary, but not your textbook or notes. Time: 60 minutes.

Oct. 14: Chapter 11, odds and text, p. 127.

 Oct. 17: Chapter 11, Even-numbered exercises and (very sad) text, p. 128-129.

 Oct. 19: Chapter 12, Odd-numbered exercises and text, pp. 137-138.

            No vocab quiz on Ch. 10-12 – enjoy!

 Oct. 21: Chapter 13, Odd-numbered exercises and text, p. 146.

 Oct. 24: Chapter 13, Evens and text, pp. 147-148.

 October 26: Chapter 14, odds and text, p. 158 (“Im Kontext…”).

            Quiz, “Werden.”

 Oct. 28: Ch. 14, complete exercises and text, pp. 158-159 (“Der Zeppelin…”). Note: we may now begin to add texts from participants’ fields of study.

Oct. 31:  Chapter 15, odd-numbered exercises and text, p. 168 (“Im Kontext”).

Nov. 2: Chap. 16, odds and text, p. 179-180 (“Im Kontext…”).

 Nov. 4: Ch. 16, even-numbered exercises and text, pp. 180-181.

 Nov. 7:  Chapter 17, odds and text, p. 190.

Quiz, Vocabulary, Ch. 14-16.        

Nov. 9: Chapter 19. (Note: We’re skipping Ch. 18!) Odds and text, pp. 210-211 (“Neu zum Schumann-Jahr”).

Nov. 11: Chapter 20, odds and text, p. 220.

Nov. 14: Chapter 20, complete exercises and text, pp. 221-222.

Nov. 16: Chapter 21, odd-numbered exercises, pp. 230-231.

            Write Test 3: Text p. 223-224, “Im Wilden, Wilden Westen…”), lines 1-28. Type, double-spaced, please. You may use a dictionary, but not your textbook or notes. Time: 60 minutes.

Nov. 18: Chapter 21: Complete exercises; text p. 233-234.

Nov. 21: Ch. 23 (we skip 22). Odd-numbered sentences and text, pp. 252-253 (complete).                     

Nov. 23-27: Thanksgiving Break. Guten Appetit!

Nov. 28: Chapter 24, odd-numbered exercises and text, p. 261 (“Im Kontext…”).

Nov. 30: Chapter 24, even-numbered exercises and text, pp. 261-262.

Quiz, Extended-adjective constructions and Vocabulary, Ch. 23,24 only.

Dec. 2: Chapter 25, odd-numbered exercises and text, p. 270.

                        Look at Subjunctive worksheet (attached).

Dec. 5: Chapter 25, even-numbered exercises and text, p. 271-272.

                        Receive take-home Final Exam. You will have 3 hours to complete this exam. Please type, double-spaced. Your exam will be due in my office (New Cabell 235) or in the Department office (NCH 258A) by 3:00 on Thursday, December 10.