Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 14Sp RELC 5559-003 (CGAS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   RELC 5559 Am Bibles

Course Description for SIS

Most broadly this course invites you to consider the significance of the Bible to the creation and display of a variety of religious and not-so-religious meanings throughout U.S. history. Thus, we will study the Bible as both a sacred text for some and an unavoidable cultural object for all Americans. In addition, the three-century scope of the course lends itself to a reappraisal of American religious history from the vantage point of Bible use. Our more narrow focus is the function of the Bible as a key site for America’s debate about the social dimensions of piety and reason. Certainly, other scriptures and topical frameworks could be developed and additional sub-topics explored. I sincerely hope that your reading for and presentation of the paper assignment will facilitate your working on issues or movements of particular interest to you and of benefit to the class as a whole.