Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 17Sp NASC 3630-001 (PROV)
In the UVaCollab course site:   17Sp NASC 3630-001 (PROV)

Course Description (for SIS)

This course analyzes the United States Marine Corps as the overarching case study for the advent of maneuver warfare.  This is a history and doctrine-based course.  The object is to educate you in the characteristics, requirements, and problems of maneuver warfare, not to train you in the staff planning process or require you to merely learn a list of facts, figures and dates.  The value of the study of history is not simply to learn what has happened in the past, but as practitioners of maneuver warfare, to use the lessons of the past as the basis for making practical judgments about the present and future.  Although this course focuses on maneuver warfare, it is worthwhile to point out that maneuver warfare is merely a subset of warfare in general.  While it exhibits certain unique characteristics, it also shares many characteristics with the broader field.  The case studies in this course have much to say about warfare overall.  Some students will not have yet taken “The Evolution of Warfare.”   This course demonstrates some of the more fundamental warfare lessons that will be new to some students and review for others.