Requesting Gml, Kml, And Shapefiles From Geoserver > Geonetwork Web Services Used By The Thl Map Collections App

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GeoNetwork Web Services Used by the THL Map Collections App

Contributor(s): Tom Benner

GeoNetwork provides a number of web services for accessing its data. The following are used by the THL Map Collections App:

Given a list of parameters (e.g. abstract, dateFrom, sortBy, themeKey), this service performs a search and returns limited information on each result (xml.metadata.get will probably need to be used to get any user-friendly information for a result). A list of fields can be found external link: here. Additional fields can also be added by editing some of GeoNetwork's XSLT code. A walk-through of this is beyond the scope of this documentation, but /geonetwork/web/geonetwork/xml/search/lucene.xsl and /geonetwork/web/geonetwork/xml/schemas/iso19139/index-fields.xsl (or the same file in another one of the schema directories) are the files that should be modified, and the modification should usually be fairly straightforward given the examples of how other fields are established in those files.


Given an id parameter of a record, this service provides the record's metadata in XML.

Provides an HTML unordered list of all of the keywords that are currently being used by records.


Provides XML for the five most recently updated records.

Provided for unrestricted use by the external link: Tibetan and Himalayan Library