Using Short, Persistent Identifiers In Geonetwork > Jquery Plugins Used On The Map

THL Toolbox > Developers' Zone > Gis Development > Jquery Plugins Used On The Map

jQuery Plugins Used on the Map

Contributor(s): Tom Benner

In addition to the UI elements afforded by the OpenLayers library, the THL interactive map also makes use of jQuery UI elements and third-party jQuery plugins. These have all been tested under jQuery 1.3.2, but further updates of jQuery may required these to be updated as well.


This is used to select a feature type after drawing an area with the "Draw an area to find features of a certain type" control.

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This is used for the feature types tree in the left sidebar. It was necessary to edit the original code to allow for some of the functionality required by the map, so the working copy is a modified version. However, the original code is kept in jquery.checktree.orig.js.

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This is used for dialog boxes, such as the latitude/longitude dialog and the "Save Map As…" dialog.

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