Photos, Graphs, Charts, Video, And Other Media

THL Toolbox > Essays > Photos, Graphs, Charts, and Other Kinds of Media

Photos, Graphs, Charts, and Other Kinds of Media

Contributor(s): José Cabezón, Michael Cox, David Germano, Nathaniel Grove, Alison Melnick, Steven Weinberger.


This page provides guidelines to scholars submitting essays to THL/JIATS which include media other than text – such as photos, graphs, charts, video, and so forth. Please indicate in the essay where each item should be placed, such as “Insert photo 1 here.” Also, please provide a short caption for each item.

I. Images

You are responsible for acquiring permission to use any copyrighted images in your article.

  • If the photo was taken with a digital camera, set the resolution as high as possible when you take the photo (read your camera instructions for setting the resolution). Send us the JPG file as it is.
  • For other photos, scan them in high resolution, 600 dpi (about 18 mb per image) TIFF files. If you cannot provide images of this quality, please contact the editors and describe what you have. If the image is scanned from a book, please provide full bibliographical information (including page number), and a brief (one-line) caption. Note: you are responsible for securing copyright permission for all photos, charts, and so forth.

If the image was taken as a digital photo (or derives from the scan of a photograph), please provide the following metadata for each image:

  • Photographer
  • Date taken
  • Place taken
  • A one-line caption

Images must be publication-ready. We will not crop, adjust in Photoshop, or otherwise edit images in any way.

Images and video should be burned onto a CD or DVD and sent to:

Steven Weinberger
PO Box 400126
University of Virginia, Dept. of Religious Studies
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4126, USA

They can also be transmitted using an online file delivery service such as Yousendit (external link: These services are free but only for files under a certain size, so please zip your files before sending them through a file delivery service. If you are unable to send a DVD and cannot use a file transfer service, please contact THL staff at <a class="safe-contact" href="javascript:linkTo_UnCryptMailto('nbjmup;uimAdpmmbc/jud/wjshjojb/fev');"><img src="/global/images/contact/contact-thl.gif" width="164" height="15" /></a>

II. Tables

Create tables in the Microsoft Word file of your article/essay. These will be converted into XML with the rest of the essay during the conversion process.

III. Charts and Graphs

For charts and graphs, please create these in a Microsoft Excel file and send us the Excel file. We discourage you from creating or including charts and graphs in a MS Word document because the TIFF and JPG files created from these are not as clear as those created from an Excel document. Provide a one-line caption for each graph and chart.

Alternatively, if you have image files of graphs and charts, treat them the same way as images. Please send a tiff file for each graph or chart: high resolution, 600 dpi (about 18 mb per image) TIFF files. If you cannot provide images of this quality, please contact the editors. If the image is scanned from a book, please provide full bibliographical information (including page number), and a brief (one-line) caption. Burn the images onto a CD or DVD and send to the above address.

IV. Video

Format for video submissions (including video clips that are to be embedded in articles) should follow the THL standard. Contact the editors for details.

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