Syllabus for Roster(s):

  • 13F HR 5040-701 (SCPS)
In the UVaCollab course site:   13F HR 5040-701 (SCPS)

HR 5040 Syllabus

Course Syllabus –HR5040

Organizational Performance Management




Dr. Sheri Bias, SPHR



Class Description


Organizational Performance Management

HR 5040


This course examines the influence of human performance elements on organizational performance.  Performance management is a systematic organizational process for improving performance by defining, developing, assessing, and rewarding individual/ team performance.   It is an integrated management process that seeks to align individual capabilities, goals and objectives with organization needs, goals, and objectives.  Moreover, it is a process that seeks to ensure that individual performance results are consistent with the organization’s goals and expectations. 


Learning Outcomes:


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

·         Identify and describe important human resource situations, events, and processes that managers confront.

·         Identify the key skills and knowledge necessary for effectively managing related human resource challenges.

·         Contribute to succession planning processes by articulating current capabilities, projecting demanded capabilities, and identifying developmental processes to address the differences.

·         Link performance management processes to organizational strategy, goal, and values.

·         Build relationships across the organization to ensure active involvement of higher-level officials in the development of organizational talent

·         Develop individual-tailored performance improvement plans

·         Evaluate the effectiveness of performance-management processes by measuring reaction, learning, behavior change, and return on investment.


Assessment Components – there are four elements of this class that will be assessed as part of your semester grade.


1.           Weekly Reading, Assignments and Forum Postings                        40%


Each Monday morning, your instructor will post “lecture notes” and either a case study or discussion questions related to the assignment.  You will need to read the material in the textbook as well as the weekly notes.  Group Discussion questions for this course are posted under the Forums section of Collab.  Students are expected to participate on at least three (3) different days during the week.  Students will post one original response to the questions or Case Study by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. (EST), and at least two additional responses to at least two other students’ postings no later than Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (EST), of that week.  You may actually make 5-6 postings, but participation only occurred 3 times during the week.

Parameters for a student’s posting should be 300 - 350 words. The purpose of this parameter is to promote writing that is both thorough and concise.  Proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure is expected; must be free of typographical errors.  Points will be taken off any assignment that is not a quality written product. 


Students are expected to add something of substance to the discussion in their responses each week -- this would consist of their perspectives, new ideas, pointed follow-up questions, etc. Please note that both quantity and quality are important considerations when it comes to participation.  Substantive participation includes posting messages that:

§  Add value to the discussion and avoid simply repeating, agreeing with, or answering “yes” or ”no” to peers’ comments

§  Challenge comments in class, including those of the instructor

§  Constructively disagree

§  Ask insightful questions

§  Answer other people’s questions

§  Exemplify the point with real-life events, when possible

§  Make comments that are relevant to the course content and objectives

§  Integrate or apply relevant readings to the discussion


For case studies, initial responses should not exceed 300 – 350 words (counting mechanism exists on Collab).  Excellent case reports will:

§  Correctly identify the major issues in the case

§  Correctly use and interpret case facts

§  Support answers to questions by providing a compelling rationale using evidence from readings and course material.

§  Are well-written with proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and without typographical errors.




2.           Journal Article Analysis                                                                    15%


Students will be required to read articles from professional journals/magazines (HR Magazine, ER Executive, Harvard Business Review, Workforce Management, Wall Street Journal) that address performance management issues.  They will select one of these articles for extended review, analysis, and reporting to the class.  They will answer:

·         How does this article contribute to our understanding or practice of performance management?

·         What are the important points made in this article?

·         Are your views in sync with the information presented in this article?  Explain.


Articles can be accessed through the U.Va. Online Library. 


3.           Research Paper                                                                                35%


Participants are required to develop a research paper that that builds upon and extends classroom experiences and materials on a selected aspect of performance management.  Guidance on the research paper will be provided at our first class.


4.           Formal Class Presentation of Research                                           10%


Participants are also required to conduct a formal presentation of their research paper.  This presentation should be an engaging sharing of the project’s highlights (not be a reading of the paper).  The last two classes are scheduled as synchronous sessions.  Students will draw numbers to determine on which date they will present.


The presentation will be evaluated on the basis of originality, clarity of communication, and contribution to learning through independent research synthesis.  Additional guidance on the presentation will be provided at our first class.


Required Text (include ISBN, specific edition)


Armstrong’s Handbook of Performance Management, Michael Armstrong, 4th Edition, 2009, Kogan Page, Philadelphia, PA.  ISBN:  978 0 7494 5392 3. 


A Manager’s Guide To Coaching, Brian Emerson & Anne Loehr, 2008, AMACOM, New York.  ISBN:  978 0 8144 0982 4. 



Required Additional Resources and Technical Components


Articles and case studies, as assigned by the instructor, will be posted in the “Resources” section of Collab.


Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition. (2009).  American Psychological Association. 

·                     Alternatively, guidance can be accessed through, and/or Googling “APA style”.  There is a handy U.Va. editorial style guide at



Additional Class Expectations:


My hopes and expectations for this course are that you will engage in lively discussion about the topics, readings, and case studies you will encounter over the course and that this is turn will spark scholarly discussion and broaden our perspectives on the subject matter. My role in this process will be to act as a facilitator, not director, as you progress through the course. I expect each student to take an active role in the class and to interact with other students to facilitate the learning process.  I will occasionally share a personal opinion and interact with the class; I do not expect students to adopt values or opinions that are in conflict with their own. The intent is to learn from one another and to consider the thoughts and ideas of others. Some of which may be very different from yours. This diversity in ideas is what I believe is the strength of the online learning experience.


Real-time Class Assignments


Synchronous classes will be held 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (EST) for the first (Sep 3, 2013) and last two (Dec 2 and 9) classes.  All other classes will be asynchronous.  Students will need to learn how to access the Elluminate function of Collab to participate in the synchronous classes. 



Writing Expectations


Papers should be written in the third person and adhere to the following format:

·         Double spaced

·         Arial or Tahoma 12-point font

·         Page numbers at the bottom

·         Submitted by 11:59 p.m. on the due date to the digital drop box.  Please be sure your name is on the paper.  Directions for how to use the Drop Box can be found in Tutorials.

·         When saving your document, title it as your name and assignment, e.g., Ball, Kathleen – Journal Assignment.

·         Proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure is expected of any graduate student; no typographical errors. 

·         Follow the citation and reference style established by the American Psychological Association (APA), in which case students should follow the guidelines set forth in Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition. (2009).  American Psychological Association.  Alternatively, guidance can be accessed through, , and/or Googling “apa style.”).  There is a handy U.Va. editorial style guide at


Points will be taken off any assignment that is not a graduate quality written product. 


Online Etiquette


·         It is important to be polite and professional, whether agreeing or disagreeing with colleagues.

·         Remember NOT to write anything you would not want to see publicly printed; computer messages are NOT absolutely PRIVATE.

·         Since any email message that you write can be (and may be) forwarded to others, students should not disclose trade secrets or company-confidential information as part of this course.

·         In the conferencing format, students will be responding to the entire class (public domain).  If that is not what is intended, students should use email to address one/several students or the instructor (private domain).

·         Since there are no body language cues in the online environment, students should be cautious when using BOLD typeface (which gets attention--is it the type you want?), when using words or phrases that can stereotype people, or when responding to ideas about which one feels strongly. Professionalism at all times is critical.

·         Be sure to give citations for quoted materials or others' ideas, just as one would in hard copy.

·         Be sure to reread your Discussion Question responses before sending, and edit as necessary.

·         At the same time, give other correspondents the benefit of the doubt when their intentions seem unclear. Ask for clarification and always assume the best intentions. Practice patience and courtesy when reading as well as writing online.


Success in Online Education


·         Expect to spend 10 – 12 hours per week on this class.  It is imperative that you complete assigned reading before class.  Give yourself more time to do your online work until you become familiar with the procedures in this classroom.

·         Designate certain times each week that you will work on this course. Plan ahead. Avoid procrastination. It will even out the workload and reduce tension. Take the time you need to absorb material before moving on.

·         Actively participate in Forums. The discussions are set up to help you better understand specific aspects of the course. Taking part in the interchange for that unit will lead to a better understanding of the topic and also contribute to the personality and warmth of the classroom community.

·         Practice an informal but organized, concise, and clear writing style that aids online communication.

·         Create your material (especially if over a paragraph long) offline on your word processor and then open Collab and copy and paste it into the classroom text box. With your word processor, you can compose and edit efficiently and in a more relaxed environment until your material is the way you want it for posting. Remember to use spell check but also that spell check has its flaws. This also provides a backup of your material should you be disconnected while composing or submitting.

·         Do all the work and submit it on time.




To facilitate communication and learning in this environment, it is very important that class members agree to respect the confidentiality of what has been shared in this class.  Please DO NOT reveal/discuss any personally identifiable information (such as work site, comments about an organization or persons, views of policies, etc.) verbally or by copying the information, without the express permission of the speaker/writer.









Class Instruction


Access:  U.Va. Collab:

Class site:  13F HR 5040-701 (SCPS)

Student Technical Requirements:

·                     U.Va. Computing IDs and Passwords

·                     Internet Explorer (7.0 or above) or

·                     Mozilla Firefox Headset/Mic:  Recommended Logitech Headset with USB




Class Requirements:


This class requires extensive reading, research, writing, and online (Collab) participation.  Students are expected to participate in weekly asynchronous discussions by reading each entry and commenting appropriately to advance the discussion.  Specific class requirements are outlined in “Assessment Components” and “Additional Class Expectations.”











Evaluation Standards




















Evaluation Standards (continued)


Points attached to each requirement:

Weekly Case Studies and Analysis                                40%

Journal Article Critique                                                15%

Research Paper                                                          35%

Research Presentation                                                10%

Total                                                                       100%


Individual Assignment Standards


Weekly Case Studies and Analysis                          40%

·         Analyses should incorporate research, cases, or theory from the text, peer-reviewed journals, and be of significant length to fully support the answer (300 – 350 words).

·         Responses to other learners should be substantive, going beyond statements such “good job” or “I agree.” Two to three paragraphs are sufficient for responses, with the goal to emphasize a point or provide new insight.

·         Total number of posts (should be six per week, three per discussion question)

·         Timeliness (Wednesday and Sunday deadlines)




Journal Article Critique                                            15%

·         Selection of article that adds to the learning of the class.

·         How the article contributes to the understanding or practice of performance management.

·         Contribution to class learning on the subject.


Research Paper                                                         35%

  • Quality of research that builds upon and extends classroom experiences and materials on a selected aspect of performance management.  Contribution to class learning on the subject.


Research Presentation                                             10%

  • Originality, clarity of communication, and contribution to learning through independent research synthesis. 

·         Interaction with other students and the instructor.


Total                                                                        100%



Grading Scale




98 - 100


92 – 97


90 – 91


88 – 89


82 – 87


80 – 81


78 – 79


72 – 77


70 – 71


68 – 69


62 - 67




Class Schedule



September 3, 2013 – December 14, 2013

A detailed schedule is attached.






The instructor will schedule phone calls with each student during the first week of class.  During the semester, the best way to contact your instructor is by email:  My goal is to respond within 24-48 hours.  I would also be glad to speak with you by phone, please e-mail me for a phone appointment.  I will respond ASAP.






All assignments will be posted in Collab.  An outline of assignments is included at the end of this document.





Additional assigned material will be posted in “Resources” in Collab.  Students will also access the U.VA. online Library for additional resources.






Gradebook will not be used for this class.


Technical Support


·         Email to:

·         Login/password:

·         U.Va. Collab:

·         BbCollaborate (Elluminate) Support: or



University Email Policies:  Students are expected to check their official U.Va. email addresses on a frequent and consistent basis to remain informed of University communications, as certain communications may be time sensitive. Students who fail to check their email on a regular basis are responsible for any resulting consequences.


University of Virginia Honor System:  All work should be pledged in the spirit of the Honor System at the University of Virginia.   The instructor will indicate which assignments and activities are to be done individually and which permit collaboration. The following pledge should be written out at the end of all quizzes, examinations, individual assignments and papers:  “I pledge that I have neither given nor received help on this examination (quiz, assignment, etc.)”.  The pledge must be signed by the student. For more information please visit Honor System


Special Needs: It is the policy of the University of Virginia to accommodate students with disabilities in accordance with federal and state laws. Any SCPS student with a disability who needs accommodation (e.g., in arrangements for seating, extended time for examinations, or note-taking, etc.), should contact the Learning Needs and Evaluation Center (LNEC) and provide them with appropriate medical or psychological documentation of his/her condition.  Once accommodations are approved, it is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the instructor about logistics and implementation of accommodations. Accommodations for test taking should be arranged at least 14 business days in advance of the date of the test(s). Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the LNEC: 434-243-5180/Voice, 434-465-6579/Video Phone, 434-243-5188/Fax. Further policies and statements available: U.Va. Special Needs Website

For further policies and statements about student rights and responsibilities, please see U.Va  Website (



Schedule of Assignments

Week of

Class Assignment



Before Sep 3


·         Obtain your U.Va. email and access to Collab with your password – explore our site and review resources

·         Familiarize yourself with the Collab site

·         Read Chapters 1 – 3 in Armstrong


Students should plan to spend 15 – 30 minutes to technically prepare for their synchronous classes








Sep 3


Synchronous online class.  6:00 – 8:00 p.m.  EST

Please prepare to answer the following questions as a way to introduce yourself to the class

§     Name

§     Geographic Roots

§     What type of work do you do?

§     What do you like to do in your “free” time?

§     What do you expect to get out of this class?

§     Have you taken an online class before?

§     Describe yourself use a car, character, and color


Instructor reviews course requirements and expectations.


Review text books and resources available in Armstrong.


Chapters 1 – 3 Armstrong – Foundations, Conceptual Frameworks, and Critiques of Performance Management





Sep 9


Chapter 4 – Performance Management Systems

·         Read and post analysis of case study and/or answers to assigned questions.

·         Post comments to other analyses.





Sep 16


Chapters 5 and 22 – Managing Performance and the Role of Line Managers

·         Read and post analysis of case study and/or answers to assigned questions.

·         Post comments to other analyses.


Week of

Class Assignment






Sep 23


Chapter 7 – Goal Setting

·         Read and post analysis of case study and/or answers to assigned questions.

·         Post comments to other analyses.


Research Topics Due - Send topic to KB and post on Collab

·         Remain open to input and seek the advice of others: mentors/supervisor/trusted colleagues & friends

·         Read each posted topic developed by your class colleague and provide suggestions to your colleagues on Collab.





Sep 30


Chapters 8 and 11 – Feedback; Analyzing and Assessing Performance; Performance Management Throughout the Year

·         Read and post analysis of case study and/or answers to assigned questions.

·         Post comments to other analyses.




Oct 7


Chapter 6 – Performance Improvement

·         Read and post analysis of case study and/or answers to assigned questions.

·         Post comments to other analyses.




Oct 14


Chapter 10 – Performance Review

·         Read and post analysis of case study and/or answers to assigned questions.

·         Post comments to other analyses.




Oct 21


Chapter 20 – Performance Management and Reward

·         Read and post analysis of case study and/or answers to assigned questions.

·         Post comments to other analyses.




Oct 28


Chapter 18 – Managing Team Performance

·         Read and post analysis of case study and/or answers to assigned questions.

·         Post comments to other analyses

Week of

Class Assignment



Nov 4


Chapters 9 and 12 – Learning through Performance Management -- 360-degree Feedback and Coaching

·         Read and post analysis of case study and/or answers to assigned questions.

·         Post comments to other analyses




Nov 11


Emerson & Loehr – Chapters 1 – 4 - Coaching

Instructor Handouts

·         Read and post analysis of case study and/or answers to assigned questions.

·         Post comments to other analyses




Nov 25


Chapters 16, 17, and 24 – Evaluating Performance Management

    Impact and Measurement

·         Read and post analysis of case study and/or answers to assigned questions.

·         Post comments to other analyses





Dec 2 and

Dec 9


Synchronous classes – 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. EST

Student presentations of research papers – email the instructor and students either slides or a typed summary at least two hours before the class (4:00 p.m.)

·         Students will post comments about the research presentations by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday after the presentation (Dec 4 or Dec 11).


Research papers are due to the digital drop box by 11:59 p.m. EST on the day of your presentation.




Instructor Note

Students/Potential Students:  In transitioning the syllabus to Collab, some of the formatting was altered.  Attached is a Word copy of the syllabus.  Please email me if you have any questions.  I look forward to class, thanks, Dr. B


Class Overview

The Course Overview is attached.
