Daily Post: 12-24-2014

It’s Christmass eve.  My family is together.  My children are home for the holidays.  My daughter is home from school, and my son finally took a full week off from work.  My wife is out shopping for presents and for the dinner we are going to have tomorrow with her sister and her family.  This is also a new beginning for me.  I have promised myself, ahead of the typical 1/1 resolution-day deadline, to follow Daniel Pink’s advice and write 500 words per day.  I am not sure how long 500 words is in terms of the screen space in the WordPress blog.  But if I keep it up, I will soon know.  It’s not too much to ask.  And persistence is the point, so I will not be too obsessive about it right now.  What should I write about today?  My feelings are up, probably because the new year is approaching.  Much as I resisted the new year resolution deadline to get started, I am also a strong believer in the power of beginnings.  So, maybe the pending change is what is motivating me to start writing again.  I used to write a lot, and have picked it up again again, only to loose site of my goal and fall back to silence.  This time, I hope, it will be different.

So, that was about 220 words.  I just counted.  I am halfway there.  As I keep it up, it will be easier, I am sure.  One option I have is to use this decision to enter all of the scraps of writing I have in my various partially started journals into this blog.  That will allow me to catch up with myself as I build up my writing strength.  Writing is meditation.  If I can close my eyes and and allow my fingets to channnel my thoughts, I wiould be able to experience the peaceful flow of my thoughts more closely.  So, I have turned off my monitor and ma simply following the tips of my fingers as they skate over the pesurface of my keyboard.

But I have my doubts about writing being like meditation.  I guess I don’t undertand it fully yet.  It freels like a theh way I felt when learning how todrive stick shift.  there are a lot of startss and stops, jerky, hesitant momves that do not seem to add up to anything .  Still, I go on.

there is so much on my mind.  I will be teaching two classes this spring, one of them in two sections, the other one online.  Theh online one I have taught before, so it should not be too difficult to reconstruct, though I have a lot of new ideas I want to try out this time.  The two sections are one credit each, but both are new courses.  They are also atypical courses in that they do not have any specific content.  The goal is to help students understand the power of building and maintaining their own ePortfolios throughout their stay at our university and beyond.  all of the students will be first year.  I am really looking forward to it, but am also a bit nervouse.  I guess that is par for the course.

Tiem to stop now and go out to hunt for presents.  I plan to get books for my wife, my two grown children and my daughter’s boyfriend.  I am sure I ahve written my 500 words for the day. Time to open my eyes!

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Teaching is more difficult than…

“Teaching is more difficult than learning because what teaching calls for is this: to let learn.” Martin Heidegger

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…I am amazed by how much I am learning from the readings I am doing on ePortfolios. The freshest ideas in teaching I have come across lately are in Darren Cambridge’s ePortfolios for Lifelong Learning and Assessment (Wiley, 2010).  I especially like the balance he strikes between the “symphonic” and the “networked” identities of the ePortfolio author today.  He is absolutely right.  The networked identity is driven to write fast and often, even if only short pieces, and based on fleeting day-to-day experiences (i.e., journaling).  The symphonic identity, on the other hand, is the more crafted (reflected-upon) product that comes from our more traditional sense of authorship (and the “finished”piece).   I appreciate how the ideal fully developed ePortfolio realizes both of them:  the  “connected speaker” and the “solitary author.”

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Open Education

What does it mean “to open education”?  Does it mean taking in anyone who wants to be a student and attend a course?  The way we did in the community colleges years ago?  We called it “open admissions.”  Is that what we mean by “open teaching and learning?” Maybe.  Online learning approximates the classroom-based encounter (but, of course, without the “residential experience”), especially when audio and video technology is used.   Some would say you don’t need to have the “residential experience” at all as long as you can have  “learning happen” any other way.  For them, a good approximation is good enough (i.e., “no significant difference”). Others would settle for nothing less than the “hybrid classroom.”  They want both.  And it is for them that the well networked campus is designed.

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Rhythm ‘n Blogging

Just as in all writing processes, it takes persistence and patience to build enough momentum before blogging can come to one naturally.  Millions of people do it, of course.  And many of them may find it quick and easy to learn.  On the other hand many more find any kind of writing (let alone writing fast and in public) quite difficult.  They have to discipline themselves to make blogging a “natural process.” I am one of the latter.  Yes, I used to teach composition and still do a lot of writing in varied contexts.  But blogging is still a hard act.  You have to have patience and persistence (read “revise”) before the activity can evolve a natural rhythm.

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This Portfolio

..stands on it’s own.  It was conceived as an experiment to answer not only the question, “Who am I?” but also, “Who can I become?”  The theme I am exploring is perpetual evolution as a way of being and understanding one’s self.  This portfolio…

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“…I am a straddler, a fence-sitter, a lifelong cyclist perpetually falling forward into the future. Such is life on the infinite bridge…”  Welcome to my portfolio.  Here you will find textual and multimedia artifacts I have selected to showcase the “centrist” qualities of my personality and life-experiences.  Nothing you will find in this portfolio stands by itself for there will always be something else, different, sometimes even contradictory, to balance it out.  In that sense,this portfolio, as all portfolios do, needs to be reviewed and judged as a whole.

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